This line of inquiry leads to a more advanced technique. 这些问题引出了一种更高级的技术。
This advanced technique has opened many doors for us. 本篇文章中介绍的这种高级技巧为我们打开了许多方便之门。
Another slightly more advanced technique involves using print statements, which can help pinpoint more elusive bugs by displaying what is actually going onto the screen. 另一个略微高级一点的技术包括使用print语句,通过显示在屏幕上实际出现的内容,有助于精确地找出更难发现的bug。
With a long history fruit industry produce Wendeng city has good produce foundation condition and advanced technique and management experience. 文登果业生产历史悠久,遍布全市,生产基础条件好,农民技术素质高,生产管理水平先进。
International standardization management, the advanced technique and punctilious working manner are the integral part of company's business responsibility and Minghe's business foundation. 国际标准的管理,先进的技术,一丝不苟的工作态度,是我们为用户负责,为“明禾”品牌添色的基础;
That investigation analyzed tiny tissue samples with an advanced technique utilizing a powerful research magnet. 研究者利用一个强大的磁体这种先进技术分析了很小的组织样本。
It is an advanced technique of municipal wastewater, organic industry wastewater treatment and phosphorus removal in wastewater. 这是一种城市污水处理、有机工业废水处理和污水除磷的先进技术。
Computer Simulation is an advanced technique in the fields of design and test, and also an important way to test and evaluate the effectiveness of dynamic and intricate system. 盘算机仿实非现代设计取试验范畴出无否或许短的入步后长辈技巧,同时也非动态、庞纯体解设计取评价的从要脚腕。
On the basis of bring in advanced technique, we found a team with design, production and service which is laid solid foundation for our company. 公司在引进国内外先进技术理念的基础上,建立了专业设计、生产、服务团队,高品质的管理为建立完善的服务体系奠定了坚实的基础。
Our the times of body is a technology high speed ages that develop, usher in the advanced technique, and expand creative, is a business enterprise not lose it is basically! 我们身处的时代是科技高速发展的时代,引进先进技术,开拓创新,才是企业不败之根本!
Introduce foreign advanced technique in the process that attracts foreign capital at the same time, namely "exchange gifts". 同时在吸引外资的过程中引进国外的先进技术,即“投桃报李”。
On the basis of humanist, our company make a good progress in sanitary lines because of its advanced technique and attractive designs. 公司本着“以人为本”的设计理念,凭着先进的生产技术和源源不绝的款式设计,使其一直处于卫浴行业的前列。
Advanced technique and equipments are imported since the company's establishment. 公司自成立以来,先后引进了先进的生产技术和设备。
Direct digital frequency synthesis ( DDFS) is an advanced technique for frequency synthesis. 直接数字频率合成技术(DFS)一种先进的频率控制技术。
A still more advanced technique produces what are called "integrated circuits". 还有一项更为先进的技术,创造了所谓的集成电路。
A type of medium caliber guns apply gun short-recoil automatic mechanism cycle regularity, and use advanced technique to achieve high fire cycle, high accuracy and light weight. 某中口径舰炮采用炮身短后坐式自动机循环规律,运用先进的技术手段,实现了高射速、高精度和轻型化。
It is hopeful that the extraction separation method will become the advanced technique for the racemates separation. 萃取拆分技术适用性强、于连续拆分有望成为外消旋体拆分分离操作的先进技术。
Writing a custom wrapper is an advanced technique that you seldom perform. 编写自定义包装是一种较少使用的高级技术。
For one thing, the entering of foreign banks will improve the development and perfection of financial market, attract more foreign capital, attain advanced technique and enhance social welfare. 一方面,外资银行进入将会促进我国的金融市场发展与完善,有利于吸收更多外资,有利于引进先进技术加快金融创新及增进社会福利等。
The centrifuge offers advanced technique, practical and operator convenience. 该机技术先进、适用、操作便利。
The strict quality control and the advanced technique of production guaranteed that Hui the powdered milk the product quality is absolutely safe. 严格的质量控制和先进的生产工艺确保惠氏奶粉的产品质量万无一失。
He says, this is not what advanced technique, we are not to be in make the rocket that enter a month. 他说,这并非什么先进技术,我们不是在造登月火箭。
Instead of just holding on the4th beat of the music, this is a more advanced technique where you and your partner smoothly hook legs together. 不同于在音乐的第4拍停顿一下,你和舞伴能将腿平稳地勾在一起是项更高级的技术。
They are made of high-quality copper pipes and brass, and made by advanced technique of bending and welding, with advantages of tight welding and leakage resistance. 管组件是由优质铜管制造,通过先进的弯管和焊接技术工艺制造,由于良好的焊接工艺具有很好的气密性。
The producers shall adopt advanced technique of planting, breeding and irrigating on water saving, energy saving and fertilizer saving; and give priority to the development of ecological agriculture. 生产者应当采用节水、节能、节种、节肥的先进种植、养殖和灌溉技术,优先发展生态农业。
With the power of advanced technique, we evolve and refine principle. 我们用先进技术的力量改进和发展原则。
Coke Dry Quenching ( CDQ) is a advanced technique in coke production with the functions of saving energy, environmental protection and improvement of coke quality. 干法熄焦是炼焦生产中的一项先进工艺,具有节能降耗、保护环境的功能,同时又可以提高焦炭质量。
Here we have the advanced technique, machinery and management system of the twentieth century, while the slaves toiling faithfully for this modem system live under the feudal oppression of ages long past. 这儿有的是二十世纪的技术、机械、体制和对这种体制忠实服役的十六世纪封建制度下的奴隶!
TWT will provide users with the original products manufactured by the Tianjin Tanggu Valve Plant and introduce and develop advanced technique according to needs of domestic and overseas market. TWT将继续以天津市塘沽阀门厂原有的产品服务于客户,还将根据国内外市场的需求不断引进和开发其它先进产品技术以满足于客户。
Bionic-Robot is the best combination of various advanced technique in Bionics and various application of robots. 仿生机器人是仿生学的各种先进技术与机器人领域的各种应用目的的最佳结合。